Saturday, September 27, 2008

Saying farewell to old job

Last week was my final week with my old company. I have been with this company for more than 13 years. I worked for one dept for more than 10 years and when I left that office - the feeling had been of "good riddance" - I couldn't wait to leave and felt no twinge about leaving my colleagues and friends I have met there. Yet, in the dept I've been working for in the past two years - a new set of emotions....while the opportunities ahead of me is something I look forward to, I will sincerely miss everyone I've worked with. They have kept me sane at the most challenging of times at a job that I wasn't necessarily crazy about - and they have been the reason that I've lasted as long as I have. At the farewell lunch as well as my last group meeting with the group - there were such sadness as well as laughter when we said our farewells. This group has been one of the best teams I've ever worked with and will miss them all very much. As part of a way to "express" their sadness in my leaving - my boss and the rest of the team felt the need to supplied me with some must have parting gifts such as a set of personal eye balls, handcuffs , fire marshall hat and my favorite - a real rubber chicken - I have to admit that while I was sad to be leaving such a wonderful group - the gifts were priceless...especially the voodoo containing rubber chicken. My ex boss Tim spent a bit of time explaining the interesting usage of a rubber chicken in the big scheme of things at an office. :-) The wonderful group of ladies I work with each day gave me a sweet send off and you can see the rubber chicken lying on the table..

Saturday, September 20, 2008

What a way to start a new chapter.....

This morning, I was thinking to myself that now is the time to live - to start a new chapter with everything fresh and then what happens? I get into a car accident driving on the outer loop of the DC beltway.

I had just switch lanes, when another car tried to switch lane and cut in front of me - the car that was ahead of it had already started to break for whatever reason, the car in front of me breaked and I found myself with two option, either slamming into that car or swirve....guess where my car landed? I hit the slab of concrete that bracket the beltway - I'm actually thinking I was pretty lucky that barrier was there since there's a 10 foot drop down.

Front of my car looks like a sorry site with liquid under the car leaking out as I took a look at the damage. I have to admit - all those life time movies started to fill my head with the thought of a spark going and the car going boom. Luckily, that was just my imagination - of course I had the prudence to shut the car off just in case. I swear I almost thought I was in a movie - I'm on the phone with the insurance person when the cop taps on my door, and while attempting to open the passenger door - I almost knocked him over (great going!), after I spoke with him, I suddenly hear all these sirens...the next thing I know - I'm seeing an ambulance, TWO fire trucks pulling up....I stared with amazement at the cop and asked if they were here for me - he said yes....I was! and my car wasn't even up in flames....that's some serious response....of course the fact that I told them I didn't need any help was beside the point. I think I probably should have taken their offer to take a look at my injury since I started feeling pain right after they left......nothing huge...just slightly banged up - mostly my neck looks like a weird pattern has been imprinted on it or some serious hickeys (:-)) - mainly from the seat belt cutting into knees are totally black and blue....this will teach me to sit so close to the dashboard.

Overall, what this is telling me is that no matter how much I want a fresh start with no happens while I'm sitting here all banged up and stuck at home until I can rent a car on monday - I came to a realization that life is not too bad...I'm still alive to write about this.....and even though I would hate to buy a new is what it is and maybe somebody is up there telling me that maybe its time to get a new car for a new life.....(that's not to say I can't hope that the damage is not big enough for them to write it off - I love that old car of mine....its been with me for 7 years and I got it as I was heading for a fresh start then......) hmmmm....maybe that should be my gauge for when to start a new chapter....a new car.....

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Starting new chapter in life

Two weeks ago - I was offered an opportunity with the gov't and have decided to accept this position. This will be the start of a brand new chapter. I've been with the same company for over 15 years - for better or worst - it has become the security blanket I cling to when things in my life goes wrong. To finally let go of this security blanket will be an experience that terrifies me - but one has to grow....I hope this opportunity will allow me to let go of all the same old same old and actually take a step into the water instead of treading the waters of life as I have done since as far back as I can remember.