Thursday, February 3, 2011

The trouble with age

So I am happy to say I'm still being diligent about writing in my journal. I am slowly marking down the calendar to encourage myself to keep doing it.

So have anyone noticed how similar children are to older adults? I still recall when I was taking care of my nephew how much he hated to take a nap and fought it all he was worth and yet he was always so cranky if he didn't have his nap. Well, I finally noted that about myself too - as I get older - there is a sense of urgency about living every moment and not wasting it sleeping (too be honest I've always felt that way) - anyway, I fought sleeping as much as I could and many of my friends know that I usually sleep on average about 4 hours in general. Needless to say - I've been a major b*** occasionally (or as some friends might say - all the time :-)) and funny enough - maybe I do have an excuse for being ornery since like a child I needed my sleep and didn't take it. In the last two weeks - I've been sleeping on average about 7 -8 hours a day and its been refreshing to get up in the morning and not be in a daze.

I think I've even been less incline to get irritated with the world. I'm slowly, after so many years of struggling to NOT sleep,  finally learning to enjoy sleep. If I have my way these days - I'll sleep for weeks and weeks and would still feel that  totally content.  It is like a total new awesome invention I just came up with. However - this does cramp my lifestyle as most of my activities are in the evening. I definitely need some advice on a reasonable balance.

Obviously I haven't found it yet - I'm finding one of the things as I get older is totally forgetting the small stuff - partly it is due to lack of sleep although I can't blame it on that yesterday. Anyway, last night I had  gotten home and made preparation for baking a fish in the oven. I had plan to bake it while I was with my physical therapist - figure dinner would be ready by the time I got home. I had the whole thing wrap and prepared - ready to go. I had heated up the oven and wouldn't you know it - I totally forgot to put the fish in - it was still sitting on the kitchen counter when I got home - needless to say I loss two hours of sleep because I was waiting for dinner to cook. The dinner was awesome by the way (pat on the back - I'll have to discuss it next time). Anyway - people keep saying the memory is the first to go - I'm beginning to believe it - question is - how long before the rest also goes. ;-)

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