Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Knowing when to walk away....

After my last fiasco of a relationship (mentioned earlier) - I was so totally disgusted with the whole concept of relationship - it took me 6 years before I was willing to try again. I don't know if I'm just a magnet for losers but I finally decide to take a chance earlier this year and started dating this guy......and even though things weren't the greatest - I was determined to give it a shot so that my friends can't say that I'm just doing the same old same old. I gave myself a pep talk about letting other's in and actually welcome him into my life. BIG MISTAKE - guess I should have realized that something was weird when he only called at the oddest times and explained that he couldn't call me when his family was in town....any communication from me was always ignored unless he realized he's push me as far as he could, then he would reach out - way weird - it was like I'm some secret he had to hide from his real life (and no, I don't think he's married but obviously got some serious issues) I ignored all of this - being determine to give it a chance.....needless to say - this continue to go downhill from that point got to the point where I was determined to end things but always chicken out and continue on all because I couldn't stand confrontation and was determined that I wasn't going to let a fail relationship get me down.....not realizing that by not walking away when I should have...I am, in a twisted way, allowing that fail relationhip to dictate my current behavior....before all of this, if I was dating a guy that acted this way, he would have been kicked to the curve a long time ago....but no, I take responsibility that I kept going and going long after this relationship should have been beaten to the ground....well, I obviously regain my common sense the other day and finally dumped the definitely was liberating and a good reminder to me that sometimes knowing when to walk away is just as important as knowing when to hold on.


theminx said...

Sounds like maybe he was married, or engaged. When I was chatting with that loser Kevin, he called me weird times, and I could only call him at work. And he was married, with a newborn son.

We have to find a non-loser for you, hon.

Meklena said...

lol, only if it was that easy. :-)