Saturday, January 29, 2011

Another new beginning?

Okay - I made a pact with myself that I would start blogging about my life - if for no one else to read - at least to keep a journal of sorts....well that pact was two years ago and I just got reminded that I haven't written since. I lasted about two weeks last time - so now I'm starting again....and where am I? Back to square one again - I just started a new job with the IRS - I've been with them for three weeks now and so far has impressed NO ONE. However, to look at the glass half full analogy - I remind myself that since I tic off the head of my dept the first week, forgot to show up for the  staff meeting the second week, and was not able to complete my work session in the third week to the dismay of that same head of dept - I can't get any worst.  I got no where to go but up! (Although I do have to say that last week there was an excuse - I was not about to drag my butt down to DC when there was a HIGH chance the train was not going to run in the afternoon and I would get stuck down there.  - that's another story I won't go into).

As I was saying - it can't get any worst - so I'm going to see what next week brings.

In the mean time, I just spent an evening listening to Bryan Adam sing..... I don't know about the rest of the world but his raspy voice just run chills down my spine..... there's just something about that voice that makes his words even more potent. It also brought back a lot of memories of the eighties and nineties that I had thought I had put behind me. Does one ever forget one's first love? I swear if not for the profound sense of haunting I feel - I would laugh. Part of me is thinking I am reliving a very bad mtv music video - I hear the songs and see a re-run of my past running on and on with no way to shut it off.  As to whether this is tragic or not still has to be seen - once upon a time - I would be a watering pot about now - so far the tears are staying at bay and I'm feeling both sorrow and acceptance.... maybe I have finally accepted that not every tragic thing that happens in life is a cross to bear forever and ever. Hmmm....or worst - I'm now so cynical - nothing affects me anymore.  Well, I'll see what happens.

So - this is my life and I'm going to see how long I last with this bout of journalling....:-)

1 comment:

Silverlyn said...

Keep it up! I started to write too. =)